Thursday, April 9, 2009


Greetings you foul scum of the universe human, tis I the great and powerful leader of the decepticons, future slave master of your energon planet, primary antagonist of the bitch ass autobots, packing heat so damn fierce they call that shit gatorade. And I got something real as shit from the streets to tell ya'll straight up like I told that dumb ass blonde bitch wearing a skirt ova here bitch ass teen vogue tights... NO YOU DUMB BITCH, YOU CAN'T BORROW SHIT.

I got everything a bot would ever need on this planet in my robo jet-backpack, I got ma' tri-ting binda (fulla paper), white out (though any bitch ass autobot know Megan Tron makes no mistakes. ever.), highlighta, neon postit notes, ma pencil case with like a million deadly sharp pencils, and the pen ma father gaves me fo that mutha fucking bitch ass Optimus Prime laserganked his poor single fatha ass. RIP pops. But just cuz' I have the shit, don't mean that shits all communal. So if I'm sittin' in ma desk, takin' notes like a mutha fuck you best not get all up in ma face axing me for school supplies, cause if you do yall gonna get a photon cannon up yo ass.

Take what happened today in ma Economics class, I was sittin' in the back row running reconnaissance on these stupid humans, when this bitch ass kimmy gibbler clone turns around with this half ass crest smile a hers making small chat, bitch I aint got time fo yo human flesh bitch ass, I'm on a mission to destroy yo' mutha fucking race, "Oh Hey, Do you think I could borrow a pencil?". Oh shit. I cock my fusion cannon and set it to level city block and put it to her forehead and say, "BACK YO SHIT UP GIBBLER, FO I ZAP YO ASS BACK TO THE FULL HOUSE FROM WHENCE YOU CAME, YA FEEL ME?". Bitch got the message. Or So I thought.

I be taking notes on this human race, tracking their movements and undastanding errything that makes em tick when I hear, "Oh hey, sorry to bother you again, can I borrow a piece of paper". DEF CON SIX. "YA SURE, IF YOU DON'T FUCK IT UP WITH YO BITCH ASS GREEN BIC PEN YOU GOT FROM THE HOSER SITTING SIDE YOU LIKE SOME AUTOBOT COCK SUCKA, YOU CAN BORROW IT, BUT I WANT THAT SHIT BACK, IN PERFECT CONDITION." Bitch laughed, thought I be uncle joey or some mah fucking joker, bitch just signed her death certificate in lime green ink. Aint nothing dumba than axing to borrow something you aint eva planning on returning and instead of phasing that bitch to the death star I realized living her sad human existence was a fate worse than death, so I leant her some paper and smiled. That be probably the only time in the history of man when it was lucky to be born human. If she was an autobot? shit? This editorial be a helluva lot shorta. You feel me?

1 comment:

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