The Student Unions keeps spending money so friviously and spurratically that the average student ends up paying the ultimate price. More monies. It is a recession, afterall. And yet, Student Union attributed fees continue to sky rocket in flight!
Student Union fees once again see a steady rise as it has for the past many yearses (10+), yet what has the student union done collectivley that would say "oh hey we need a raises". Nothing. That is what. The Student Union has been exactly the samesies for the past many yearses (10+), maybe even crappier. In 1999 Will Smith's Willenium topped the charts (Will2k) and could be heard at many Student Union festivities, festivities that includes concerts, fun events, parties, and even the BSD. Fast forward to the Now! We has all of those but in shittier assortment, much shittier. But shittier must be all the rage-- thats why it costs so much and why Luke Valentine haircut is even shittier than before (gay people have their pulse on whats hot).
Part of this has to do with inflations. But any idiot knows that inflation does not occur at such a rapid pace. I can buy a chocalate bar from the U of C vending machine for 1 dollar. Guess how much I could buy a chocolate bar from the U of C vending machine 10 years agos? 1 dollar. WTF?!
You know how every years people running for SU make promises? Like cheaper textbooks, cheaper tuition, cheaper everything? You know because that is the things the average student cares about-- cheaper shits. All of that fall upon deaf ears it seems post-election.
"University is expensive, I allready have to work like a dog and then goto school, I don't really care about these faggy pajama days or concerts of bands I've never heard of. I don't care about 95% of the bullshit that SU does, I just want them to cut spending and therein my costs, that is all I want." said an average second year student. But like the deaf kid in an elementary school classroom, we the SU, didn't listen.
Prices like U-Pass, Athletics fee, Recreation costs, Union fees, Tuition, textbooks, printing costs, on and near campus housing, all continue to be on a constant rises, even during a recessions. I know for most of the Student Union has a bad case of big stinky honoria and it is hard for them to know the plight of the every man, but the continual rise of fees really hurts. Just from this year we're looking at an average increase of 40 dollarses per semester in just basic fees not evens including textbooks, housing costs, or tuition... that may seem like peanuts but thats 40 dollars that we really did not need to spend.
Now it is being learned that you wants more, that you want a raise (as condoned by Jeremy Zhao) what for? To host more terrible themed parties that sees primarily Student Union members in attendance? More expensive banquets (yeah I am a party animals lol!!!), more crappier BSD's, More Black History month concerts that are as pricey as the SU presidents hot new whip (See: Kingston's new wheels)? Even those I am in the Student Union, I no longer wants to be in the Stupid Union, and will never listen to anyone from the Stupid Union ever again. BECAUSE I AM DEAF LOLOLOLOL. And I hope that those responsibile for the continual rise in costs are not only impeached but put on the Non-Ack.
Dan Pagan, the SU prince
good post Dan
Dan, I would think you would be someone understanding of why fees continue to rise and why we as a Student Union require a more wealthy honoria so that we can do our jobs as SU elected officials with professionalism.
Dan you are a dick
Dan Pagan ur such a dickhead
lol whats with all the Daniel hate?
Show me a man who despises a union. And I shall show you a bitch.
LOL Stalin just called Dan a bitch. OMGLOL this comment section is great.
Stalin is the man lololololol
Dan is a woman
Dan is mother russia
This isn't really Dan Pagan you dumbshits.
Do you not believe in Santa Claus either you son of a bitch?
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